For Freelancers

Project Statuses

Completing projects in the Latium Platform requires contracts to be in multiple different statuses throughout the process. You can view the status of any contract by visiting the For Freelancers page. Here we will lay out all of the statuses for Open Contracts in a Bid Style project. Bid Under Review: Bid Under Review status […]

Quitting Projects

If you wish to quit a project you must visit the Projects I’m Working On section. Click into the project you wish to quit and select the Gear Box at the top right of the page. Under that you will see the option to Quit. Click that and you will Quit the project. You will […]

Haven’t Received Payment

If you are not paid for a project you feel you have completed you have the ability to discuss the issue with the Employer through the chat option provided by Latium. Arbitration and Mediation options will be available on Latium in the near future. When bidding and working on projects, please be aware of the […]

Adding Your Portfolio

hen you first create an account on the Latium Platform you will be asked whether you want to hire or work By selecting the I Want to Work option you will be prompted through a series of onboarding questions to add your avatar, skills and experience levels, biography, and hourly work rates. After you complete […]

Adding Your Skills

The Latium Platform provides all Freelancers the ability to add their skills and skill levels to their profile. Adding these skills will make it easier for Employers to find you if you possess the specific skills they require for a particular project. To add skills visit your Profile on the Latium platform and select the […]

Fee Structure

The Latium Platform fee structure is determined by the Freelancer plan you have. There are three options to choose from: Employers will pay a fee on top of the Reward Amount they determine per contract. As you upgrade your plan you pay less and less fees Free Plan users receive fees of 20% for projects […]

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