
Your Profile

To view your Latium profile you need to visit the dropdown menu at the top right of the page then select My Profile

Approval Rates

Each User within the Latium Platform receives an Approval rate. The Employer and Freelancer Approval Rates differ in how they are calculated, but display the same goal. The higher the percentage, the ...

Editing Profiles

To edit your profile please visit the menu and select the Settings option. You can also select My Profile. Once you get to the Settings page you will see the options to edit your profile information, ...

Adding Your Portfolio

hen you first create an account on the Latium Platform you will be asked whether you want to hire or work By selecting the I Want to Work option you will be prompted through a series of onboarding que...

Adding Your Skills

The Latium Platform provides all Freelancers the ability to add their skills and skill levels to their profile. Adding these skills will make it easier for Employers to find you if you possess the spe...

How Do I View My Profile?

To view your Latium profile you need to visit the dropdown menu at the top right of the page then select My Profile

Freelancer and Employer Approval Rates

Each User within the Latium Platform receives an Approval rate. The Employer and Freelancer Approval Rates differ in how they are calculated, but display the same goal. The higher the percentage, the ...

How Do I Edit My Profile?

To edit your profile please visit the menu and select the Settings option. You can also select My Profile. Once you get to the Settings page you will see the options to edit your profile information, ...

How Do I Add My Portfolio?

When you first create an account on the Latium Platform you will be asked whether you want to hire or work By selecting the I Want to Work option you will be prompted through a series of onboarding qu...

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